V-Picks 1980 Guitar&Mandolin Pick

11,90 12,90 

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V-Picks 1980 Guitar&Mandolin Pick Crystal Clear oder Ruby Red

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Hinter V-Picks® steht Vinni Smith aus Nashville.
Seine aus Acryl gefertigten Plektren erzeugen einen fetten Ton, sind griffig und sind langlebig.
Das spezielle Material haftet sogar leicht an den Fingern, wenn es sich erwärmt hat.

Zu den bekanntesten V-Picks® Kunden zählen u.a.
Billy Gibbons, Carlos Santana, Brad Whitford, Orianthi, Phil Keaggy, Vernon Reid, Derek St. Holmes.

„If you aren’t playing V-Picks® you are working way too hard!“

Modell: 1980 Guitar & Mandolin Pick

Stärke: 2,75mm

Größe: 3,3cm (Spitze zu Spitze)

Farbe: Crystal Clear, Ruby Red

V-Picks® says:

The Ghost Rim model V-PICKS is an option of manufacture that gives you a wonderful, unique, and very musical  „ghostly whisper“ to your pick attack. It can be used to tame down a very aggressive  attack and yet, if you change your technique just a bit, you can get that cool Brian  May, Ed King, Billy Gibbons effect and sound! It can deliver a hush effect much  like a violin bow, or bark like you are using a coin as a plectrum. If you do not like  the chirp a thick pick can sometime make, then the Ghost Rim option is for YOU!  First we take extra time to expertly and masterfully grind the pick. We have this  method down to an art. This is not easy and takes years to learn to do it correctly. So  much care is taken because the pick does not go thru the last stage of flame buffing.  The flame can hide a multitude of sins, so we have to make sure these are precisely  made to our exacting specifications. 

Zusätzliche Informationen


Crystal Clear, Ruby Red

Warnhinweise und Sicherheitsinformationen:

GPSR Plektrum